Seasons of Revival


by Frank Damazio

ISBN:  978-1886849-04-4     Softcover, 409 Pages     6" x 9"

Seasons of Revival offers fresh insight and biblical thought to understanding the seasons of God’s outpouring. Frank Damazio masterfully combines biblical exegesis of scripture, history, cultural studies, and life application to make this one of the finest books on revival available today.

Table of Contents:

  1. Our need for Revival
  2. The Promise of Revival
  3. Discovering Divine Strategy
  4. The Law of Expectation
  5. The Receiving More Factor
  6. Revival - a Mixed Blessing
  7. Discernment in Revival Times
  8. Testing the Authenticity of Revival
  9. The Benefits of Brokenness
  10. A Passion for God's Presence
  11. The Power of Revival - The Transformation of Lives
  12. Myth of the "Man of God Syndrome"
  13. Understanding the Ministry of Impartation
  14. The History of Healing
  15. The Biblical Foundation for Healing
  16. Christ the Healer:  Then and Now
  17. Attitudes that Quench Revival
  18. Combating Spiritual Negligence
  19. Spiritual Struggles During Revival
  20. Refusing Substitutes for God's Presence
  21. Revival Leadership:  The Zerrubabbel Principle
  22. Finding Balance in Revival Seasons
  23. Revival Praying
  24. A Passion for the Harvest
  25. The Permanence of Revival

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