Copy of Authors
Dr. Frank Damazio
Dr. Frank Damazio has been in ministry for over forty years as a college professor, church planter, lead pastor of a large multi-site church, Bible college president and chairman of a fellowship of churches. Frank is a graduate of Portland Bible College, has a Masters of Divinity and a Doctor of Ministry from Oral Roberts University, and has authored over 30 books. He is presently devoting his life full time to Frank Damazio Ministries through creating web resources, providing leadership coaching, presenting leadership intensives, writing new books and speaking nationally and internationally.
For more information about Frank Damazio, please visit
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Kevin J. Conner
Kevin John Conner is recognized internationally as a teaching apostle after many years in both Church and Bible College ministry. He has written many textbooks used by ministers and students throughout the world. He has been in great demand as a teacher and has traveled extensively.
Kevin passed away peacefully on 18th February 2019 at age 92. He lived a full life, touched a lot of lives, and was ready to go. Our loss is heaven’s gain.
For more information about Kevin J. Conner, please visit
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Mark Conner
Mark Conner has been involved in church leadership for over three decades. Having recently transitioned out of the role of Senior Minister at CityLife Church in Melbourne, Australia, Mark is now giving himself to training, writing and coaching others toward greater fruitfulness. Mark has genuine love for people and a passion to help them grow and change. He has a Doctor of Ministry degree from Fuller Theological Seminary. Mark is married to Nicole and they have three young adult children.
For more information about Mark Conner, please visit or follow him on Twitter @MarkAConner
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Marc Estes
Marc Estes and his wife, Susan, have four children and reside in Clackamas, Oregon. Marc is currently Director of Pastoral Ministries at City Bible Church in Portland, Oregon, where he was previously Director of Evangelism and Assimilation. Before moving to Portland in 1995, he was Director of Evangelism at Christian Equippers International. For the past fifteen years, he has traveled internationally, speaking at churches, conferences, camps, seminars and crusades. For more information about Marc Estes, please visit
Marc Estes has developed many evangelism and assimilation materials that provide the local church with relevant tools which have been proven effective in reaching and assimilating the harvest. His titles include the award winning, "IP Religion Book of the Year," Jesus Today, What Now and the What Now Discovery Guide, and he co-authored the Complete Evangelism Book and Course, Complete Life Class, and the We Care Prayer Manual.
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Dr. Mark Jones
Dr. Mark S. Jones graduated from Oregon Health Science University School of Dentistry in 1983 and continues in full time private practice. As an elder of City Bible Church in Portland, Oregon, Dr. Jones has taught personal evangelism at Portland Bible College and adult education at City Bible Church. He has presented his personal growth seminar, "Right and Wrong Thinking," both locally and in churches nationwide. Along with raising their four children, Mark and his wife, Susan, oversee the Prayer Ministries Department of City Bible Church..
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Glenda Malmin
Glenda Malmin is the Dean of Women and an instructor at Portland Bible College. She is a well sought after speaker at women's retreats and conferences around the world. She is also on the Women's Leadership Team at City Bible Church, and is a mother and grandmother. She and Ken, her husband of over 30 years, teach marriage seminars through the nation and together, have faithfully serves as leaders and teachers at City Bible Church and Ministers Fellowship International in Portland, Oregon
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Ken Malmin
Ken Malmin is the Dean of Portland Bible College in Portland, Oregon, where he also serves as an elder at City Bible Church, a large growing church that is having a powerful impact on the entire Christian community. Ken has been teaching since 1971 and is noted for his wisdom and deep understanding of the Word of God. Ken has authored several books that are used in Bible Colleges and leadership training programs around the world. He has a burning desire to see the principles of Christ's teaching at work in the Church today.
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Bill Scheidler
Bill Scheidler served as a pastor and elder at City Bible Church in Portland, Oregon, from 1974 to 2005. During that time he functioned as director of pastoral ministry, professor at Portland Bible College, and as administrator of Ministers Fellowship International.
He and his wife JoAnne are currently serving the vision of City Life Church in Johannesburg, South Africa, where he mentors pastors and leaders and is involved in church planting ministries. Bill is the author and co-author of several books including The Local Church Today, Apostles, Growing Strong Churches, Present Day Truths, and Principles of Church Life.
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