New Testament Church and Its Ministries

$10.00 $12.99

by Bill Scheidler

ISBN:  978-0914936-43-5     Softcover, 118 Pages     8.5" x 11"

Discontinuing. Available while supplies last.

The New Testament Church and Its Ministries lays out God’s plan for the church’s construction and His concern for the active involvement of every member in their ministry and calling. Emphasizing the function of the members, each of the five-fold ministries is defined and developed in the context of its function in the Body of Christ.

Table of Contents:

  1. The Church - The Mystery
  2. The Church - The Eternal Purpose
  3. The Church and The Kingdom
  4. The Nature of the Church
  5. The Church - God's Peculiar People
  6. The Church - The Temple of God
  7. The Church - The Family of God
  8. The Church - The Body of Christ
  9. The Office of the Deacon
  10. The Office of the Bishop
  11. The Ministry of the Apostle
  12. The Ministry of the Prophet
  13. The Ministry of the Evangelist
  14. The Ministry of the Pastor
  15. The Ministry of the Teacher
  16. Other Body Ministries 


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