Strategic Vision


by Frank Damazio

ISBN:  978-0830767-37-3    Softcover, 254 Pages     6" x 9" (Discontinuing - available while supplies last)

Do you want to harness the immense power of vision?

Effective leaders see the future the way God sees it, and they lead others to bridge the present to that future. They know where they are and where they want to go and can show others how to do the same. Strategic Vision will guide you in creating a simple yet compelling vision for your church and show you how to sustain your vision.

You will learn how to energize and inspire people by casting a biblical, believable and practical vision in a way that optimizes your church's planning, budget, staff and ministries. Discover how to pursue your vision strategically, identify the seasons of vision fulfillment and gain and regain momentum.

Become a visionary, strategic leader who guides your church into God's future!

Table of Contents:

  1. The Leader of Strategic Vision
  2. The Theological Connections to Vision
  3. Clear Vision as the Compass
  4. Vision Fueled by Purpose
  5. Essentials of Vision
  6. Stages of Vision
  7. Creating a Compelling Church Model
  8. Making Vision Reality
  9. Vision Momentum
  10. Vision Teams and Strategy
  11. Simplified and Focused Vision
  12. The Making of a Great Vision
  13. Lessons Learned as a Vision Leader

Published by Regal Books.

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