Small Group Leaders Handbook

$10.00 $19.99

by Frank Damazio and Marc Estes

ISBN:  978-1886849-54-9     Softcover, 171 Pages     8.5" x 11"

The Small Group Leaders Handbook provides a solid scriptural foundation upon which to build your small group ministry. By combining biblical teaching with practical guidelines, the Small Group Leaders Handbook provides a balanced and thorough exploration of small group ministry in the twenty-first century.

Table of Contents:

  • The Vision of a New Testament Church
  • The Vision of Small Groups
  • The Small Group Network
  • The Making of a Small Group Leader
  • The Requirements of a Small Group Leader
  • The Multiplication of the Small Group
  • Intercession and the Small Group
  • Pastoral Care in the Small Group
  • Counseling in the Small Group
  • Evangelism and the Small Group
  • Assimilation in the Small Group
  • The Ingredients of a Small Group Meeting
  • Building Effective Communication in the Small Group

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